Shop Foldscope Products
There is a Foldscope kit for everyone. We offer foldable paper microscopes in a variety of configurations — ranging from individual kits packed with microscopy accessories, to classroom kits that provide the largest number of Foldscopes for the lowest price. Visit our store to learn how you can get the most out of your Foldscope experience.
Global Community
The best part of Foldscope is not the tool itself, but the people who use it. Foldscope has an official app and an online platform called the Microcosmos, where Foldscope users share their explorations. All of Foldscope’s community spaces are free, open, and user-driven. Discover what other curious Foldscopers are up to!

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All Videos

Introducing Foldscope_ The Paper Microscope

How to save 51 billion lives for 68 cents with simple Engineering

Foldscope: Microscopy for everyone

Foldscope: What will you discover?
Foldscope has been used in elementary to college level classrooms, remote learning, homeschooling, government programs, and more!